| 1. | An attempt to use a newline character , an empty string , or 试图使用换行符、空字符串或 |
| 2. | Each record in the file is separated by a newline character 文件中的每个记录由换行符分隔。 |
| 3. | Method displays a string without appending a newline character 方法显示不带换行符的字符串。 |
| 4. | Matches any single character except the newline character - n 匹配除换行符 n之外的任何单个字符。 |
| 5. | Method , appends a newline character to the provided string 方法相同,它将一个换行符追加到提供的字符串的后面。 |
| 6. | For individual newline characters hexadecimal 0x000a and replace them with 中搜索各换行符(十六进制0x000a ) ,也不用 |
| 7. | Matches a newline character 换行符匹配。 |
| 8. | The line number of an xml stream is updated whenever a newline character is detected 只要检测到换行符,就更新xml流的行号。 |
| 9. | Inserts a newline character that is , a carriage return line feed , or 中的最后一个字符写入文件后会插入一个换行符(即回车/换行,也就是 |
| 10. | A list of tags that occur in the original xml document , separated by newline characters 原始xml文档中出现的标记列表,由新行字符分隔。 |